What Causes Dark Spots on the Skin?
Dark spots of patches on the skin can creep up and devastate your self image. At our clinic, we’ve been treating hyperpigmentation naturally with great success. The first step, always, is to understand the source of the hyperpigmention. Most of the thousands of clients we’ve seen can trace their dark spot issues to one of three types of hyperpigmentation.
1. Melasma: Signs & Causes
Also known as chloasma or “the mask of pregnancy”, melasma can be spotted with large patches of darkened skin or blotchy brown spots on the skin. It generally affects the forehead, face, or stomach regions of the body.
Women are most prone to melasma. It especially affects:
Pregnant women
Women taking birth control pills or other triggering medications
Medium and darker-skinned people
For many, melasma’s dark spots are only temporary. When you deliver your baby or stop taking the medication, melasma tends to fade. However, many people find melasma sticks around for a few years – or even their lifetime. For such cases, it may be worthwhile to seek natural hyperpigemnation treatments. Proper treatment can significantly reduce their appearance.

2. Age Spots: Signs & Causes
Age spots are also referred to as “liver spots” or “solar lengtiginis”. They appear as black, tan or brown spots that appear with overexposure to the sun. Hands, face, and other body parts frequently exposed to the sun are most likely to be hit by this particular type of dark spot. Older adults are most prone to sun spots, but it also affects those who’s work or passions demand long hours of sun exposure.
Most sunspots fade somewhat over time. However, they typically do not disappear completely because the skin has been permanently damaged. Proper skin lightening treatment can significantly reduce their appearance.
3. Post-inflammatory: Signs & Causes
Also known simply as “hyperpigmentation,” post-inflammatory appears as dark spots or patches of darkened skin. They’re triggered by inflammatory skin conditions, such as acne or eczema, but there are plenty of other reasons why they may appear. They can affect both men and women and appear anywhere on the body.
Typical causes of post-inflammatory inflammation include:
Acne – particularly cysts or nodules – often leaves brownish discoloration after a blemish heals.
Incorrect chemical peels, improperly performed laser hair removal, or poorly chosen laser treatment can cause hyper-pigmentation.
Rashes like psoriasis and eczema often darken the skin as well. Even leg waxing and electrolysis can cause the melanin cells to over-react.
Prolonged exposure to heat, whether from being in the sun or working over heat-producing appliances.
For some, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation symptoms only last 6-12 months. But many others find the symptoms to be permanent. Proper hyperpigmentation treatment can significantly reduce their appearance.